The main goal of the project is to establish an environmental youth network that should serve as a learning platform for like-minded young people to connect, learn and work together on projects in the area of ecology and sustainable development.


Brief Description
The network will provide a set of learning opportunities for young people that will enable them to become personally aware and responsible individuals who will take action and exercise leadership in creating a more environmentally sustainable community. The main element of the environmental network is the Go-Green-Clubs in the primary and secondary schools. You can read more about the Go-Green-Clubs here

Main activities

The Magazine represents the main tool for education and engagement of the pupils in the Go-Green-Clubs

  • Go Green Clubs

The purpose of the clubs is to structure a process of non-formal learning where its members will become young agents of positive change

This activity consisted of a one-day seminar and an anti-pollution marsh! The initiative was organized together with AIESEC ( and the Scouts Union of RM.

  • Virtual platform

This platform should serve as a virtual space for the members to interact, collaborate and learn from each other.

Download the Full Project Report.