The Go Green (Bidi Zelen) Campaign aimed to increase public awareness on environmental sustainability and to educate young people about the importance of creating an energy efficient, low-carbon economy. The message of this project reached more than 800.000 people.

Target Group
This project was focused on young people from fourteen to twenty two (14-22) years of age. We believe that these young people represent the future driving force of the households, as well as the upcoming generation of leaders and policy makers in the country. However, throughout the realization of the project people from different ages were influenced by the campaign.

Project description
The project had two major parts culminating with an event on 12th June 2010.

The first part was the educational campaign composed of an environmental magazine “Ecology and Sustainable Development” and in-class presentations in 15 high schools in Skopje carried out by the Go Green members.

The second part of this project was a media campaign composed of a pop-song and a music video. The key people in the media campaign were rappers Toni Zen and Slatkaristika, accompanied by the young TV showmen Marko Noveski. The song represents the most impactful campaign song in all times and the video has more than 800.000 views on YouTube.

The culmination of the project was the educational-musical concert in the City Park Skopje with 2 DJs, 2 rock bands and a lead performance by Toni Zen and Slatkaristika. The educational part was the big screen (video beam) on the stage where environmental messages and educational videos were played. The event was visited by more than 12.000 young people.

In addition to the indirect impact (increasing awareness) the project is expected to contribute directly to the following areas:

  • Increase in the number of young people-members of environmental NGOs;
  • Increase in self-initiated projects by third parties;
  • Increase in the number of public debates on sustainability; issues, open forums and public panel-discussions;
  • Creating a demand on the market for renewable energy;
  • Encouraging the organizations to act responsibly towards the environment;
  • Decrease of the price in household energy bills.

Download the Bidi Zelen Final Report.

Donor: Norwegian Embassy